Could you become a part of #TEAMPORT? Could you support us to continue funding research and helping patients? Here are some ways you can support P.O.R.T.
You can donate to P.O.R.T. by going to our Just Giving page – or click on the donate button below.
Want to raise funds, for free? All you have to do is do your shopping through Easyfundraising and you will raise funds for us! Easyfundraising is an application which you sign into when doing shopping, and then as you buy items, retailers donate a fraction of that money to us. Click here to register to raise money for P.O.R.T, but go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk to find out more about how it works.
We are now also signed up with Give as you Live and AmazonSmile, more platforms to enable you to collect donations for our charity when you shop online.
Sponsored Events
Could you, or someone you know, undertake a sponsored event? Marathons, triathlons, tough mudder, cycling, swimming, abseiling, skydiving – whatever you can think of. Do you know someone sporty? Or could you do a challenge of another kind? Please consider supporting us.
PORT have charity places annually for The Brighton Marathon, The Big Half and Vitality London.
PORT hope to have charity places for the 2025 London Marathon.
Events, Charity Nights and Coffee Mornings
Could you organise an event for us? This could be a charity night, which prove very popular, with a meal, music and entertainment; it could be a coffee morning; it could be a family day; it could be a stall at an event or boot sale, or even a cake sale. If you think you could help us, please get in touch. We can provide P.O.R.T badges, balloons and leaflets, and T-shirts can be bought.
Schools or Businesses
Could your school or business do a dress-down day? Or have a ‘bad hair day’? It would be a fantastic and fun way to raise money.
Charity Of The Year
Could your business or place of work make P.O.R.T their charity of the year? Could you support us long-term?
Items To Raffle or Auction
Could you donate items for us to raffle or auction at our charity ball? We’re ever so grateful for any prizes we can receive to raffle or auction to raise money. Our charity balls are very popular but we desperately need raffle prizes to raise money at such events.
Leave a gift in your will to PORT.
Writing your will can give you the chance to think about the life you have led, and the things that are really important to you. Many people see it as an opportunity to think about how they would like to be remembered, and how they can leave a positive impact once they have gone.
You can leave a lasting legacy, for those with CIPO, by leaving a gift in your will. A gift in your will really could help to change the future lives of children and adults suffering with the disease.
Leaving a gift to Pseudo Obstruction Research Trust (PORT Charity) will support the funding of future research, and also help to raise more awareness about the condition. It will give hope to sufferers for a better quality of life. Please consider leaving a gift in your will to our charity.
Buy some P.O.R.T. merchandise
P.O.R.T. sell tote bags and shopping bags, both with our logo on, they cost £4 and £6, and 100% is donated to P.O.R.T. We also have PORT wristbands and also pins – these can make great favours for weddings and other events!
Please contact sue_stewart_pseudo@hotmail.co.uk to find out more.
Do you have another idea? Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re open to new ideas and would welcome your support.
Can you help raise awareness of P.O.R.T?
Could you share our social media posts? P.O.R.T grows through word of mouth; the more people who share our posts, the more people will be aware of our existence. If you share our posts your friends will see it, if they share it their friends will see it – and so on and so fourth. Please help get #supPORTthecause trending on social media.
Follow us on social media
Facebook Support Group
Twitter – @PORTCharity